Do you have a talk in you for AgileAus19?

Feb 21, 2019 | AgileAus, Feature Articles

As the 11th annual Agile Australia Conference approaches, we are glad to be receiving some great speaker and talk ideas (EOIs) from the community.

As the 11th annual Agile Australia Conference approaches, we are glad to be receiving some great speaker and talk ideas (EOIs) from the community.

Thank you so much to those who have thrown their hats in the ring so far! A big thanks also to the awesome community of stream chairs and reviewers who have been busily giving their feedback to help EOIs be the best that they can be.

As AgileAus inches closer, we are on the lookout for new voices that will help to represent the depth and breadth of the stellar Australian Agile community.

  • Do you suspect that you (or someone you know) have an exciting story to tell that could inform and inspire fellow agilists?
  • Have you experienced unexpected learnings that opened your eyes to new ways of thinking and working?
  • Is there someone in your midst that you could partner with to tell a compelling story to your peers?
  • Do you have a bunch of ideas but are not sure which would be the most helpful for the community to hear?

If you answered yes to any of the above – we’d love to hear from you! Submitting an EOI is quick and easy, and if you choose to receive comments, a welcoming community of reviewers are waiting to give constructive feedback to help your ideas blossom.

Before submitting, why not log in to the system and see what people have done so far? You never know what inspiration might strike!

By submitting an EOI for yourself or someone you know, you will be opening up a world of possibility for the sharing of ideas and expertise across the Australian Agile community.

Those chosen to speak on the final program will:

  • Join a fantastic and distinguished community of AgileAus speakers that have shared across the past 11 years
  • Receive the right support, coaching and care to suit their individual needs and ensure their message resonates with the community
  • Receive a complimentary registration to the Conference and an invitation to the Keynote Welcome Dinner with fellow speakers
  • Be eligible for travel and accommodation grants
  • Have a myriad of opportunities to promote their message as part of the Conference – with invitations to guest post on the AgileTODAY magazine blog, social media platforms and more.

While there is no cut off date, we’d love for people to get their EOIs in by the end of February 2019 if possible – so that they can best benefit from feedback.

We do hope you will consider throwing your hat in the ring! If you have any questions about ideas that you may have, please feel free to reach out to me at or give me a call on +61 3 9663 3093 – I’d love to hear from you 🙂


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