Why attend AgileAus24?
The Agile Australia 2024 Conference (AgileAus24) will be held over two days in Melbourne in August. Though there are many flavours of Agile, the conference prides itself on welcoming all flavours and favouring none! It brings together teams from organisations experimenting with Agile under the broad umbrella of better ways of working.
The AgileAus conference is guided by the brainstrust – over 60 volunteer agile leaders and practitioners from across Australia who generously provide advice on themes and topics to help shape the content and program. They review, guide and champion the successful talks to ensure they are the very best they can be.
This year’s early bird group bookings come from the likes of ANU, Bunnings, Melbourne Water, and Suncorp. We are delighted to welcome speakers from organisations such as ABC, Bupa, David Jones, IAG, Jetstar, REA, and many more who will share their trials and triumphs on the stage. There’s a smorgasbord of fascinating topics at AgileAus24, from unlocking lean, achieving empowerment with accountability, and how to halve WIP to sustainability and collaborative decision-making.
The World Economic Forum’s Future of Jobs Report 2023 noted the core skills for modern workers as analytical and creative thinking, resilience, flexibility, and agility. AgileAus24 is a treasure trove for building these skills! Those who attend the conference discover new capabilities for their individual toolkits; strategies to implement with their teams; pitfalls to avoid and stories that stay with them to help inspire and motivate them back at work.
AgileAus builds on what we each bring to the table. The lessons learned from those who share on stage (and off), the variety of people you get to surround yourself with over the two days, and the time committed to fully immersing ourselves in expertise and experience beyond our own is of incredible and enduring value.
Sharing is at the heart of the AgileAus conference. We realise that our challenges are not ours alone! That all organisations struggle with change – and it’s not about what we do but why we do it. What is it that we want to deliver together?
Fittingly, this year’s Conference theme is Delivering Value Together. How can you best do that? How do others do that? Well, how about you come to the conference and find out?!
To find out more or to register to attend, please visit the AgileAus24 website. We hope to see you there!

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